Wednesday, October 29, 2008

what are men compared to rocks and mountains

(not trying to be chauvinistic, its from a movie)


TL said...

what movie? mona lisa smile? jk.

Steven said...

I don't know if it is chauvinistic since you are actually insulting men. Or if you mean it in the sense of "men" as all of mankind. They way its used in older literature.

Layne Julia said...

no, it's meant to insult men. It's a quote from Mary in the new pride and prejudice...not sure if it's in the old one

Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

what are men compared to rocks and mountains

(not trying to be chauvinistic, its from a movie)


TL said...

what movie? mona lisa smile? jk.

Steven said...

I don't know if it is chauvinistic since you are actually insulting men. Or if you mean it in the sense of "men" as all of mankind. They way its used in older literature.

Layne Julia said...

no, it's meant to insult men. It's a quote from Mary in the new pride and prejudice...not sure if it's in the old one