Saturday, July 10, 2010

musical interlude

So I will continue the trip ramblings tomorrow...

Today I actually sat down and wrote a few songs - shocking, i know.

Thanks for the motivation Jesus - seriously, it was all God. I have had absolutely NO motivation whatsoever to do anything musical this summer. none. AT ALL.

I've been telling myself i should pick up my mandolin, and i played my harmonica for a second last night, but nothing was stirring my fancy.

Then today, I put on Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago and just SOAKED in the album - i bathed in the haunting vocals, i looked up the lyrics to every single song to see how he wrote, i even researched Justin Vernon's (main guy) life which caused him to produce such a beautiful album (this is what summer is about for this teacher - woohoo)

all in all - it helped get my inspirational juices flowing. And while I definitely didn't write any songs nearly up to his caliber, it was nice to finish a few songs i'd started and actually work out some that had been up in my head for a while.

maybe i'll even post them one day - but not yet :)

here's the song I had on repeat most of the day. he doesn't really play it live, so all that's on youtube is the album version with a picture of him.

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Blog Archive

Saturday, July 10, 2010

musical interlude

So I will continue the trip ramblings tomorrow...

Today I actually sat down and wrote a few songs - shocking, i know.

Thanks for the motivation Jesus - seriously, it was all God. I have had absolutely NO motivation whatsoever to do anything musical this summer. none. AT ALL.

I've been telling myself i should pick up my mandolin, and i played my harmonica for a second last night, but nothing was stirring my fancy.

Then today, I put on Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago and just SOAKED in the album - i bathed in the haunting vocals, i looked up the lyrics to every single song to see how he wrote, i even researched Justin Vernon's (main guy) life which caused him to produce such a beautiful album (this is what summer is about for this teacher - woohoo)

all in all - it helped get my inspirational juices flowing. And while I definitely didn't write any songs nearly up to his caliber, it was nice to finish a few songs i'd started and actually work out some that had been up in my head for a while.

maybe i'll even post them one day - but not yet :)

here's the song I had on repeat most of the day. he doesn't really play it live, so all that's on youtube is the album version with a picture of him.

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