Friday, September 3, 2010

oh heck yes

It was a very good day :) And here's the random list o' why -
  • I found out Cristian is getting out of the hospital tomorrow - AHHHH :)
  • It rained!!! Lovely enough, but then I decided to go play in the rain, like I often do, and some students joined me - two adorable sophomore girls. Then all these students kept coming up to me being all like, "You're the coolest teacher ever!" Who knew my love of precipitation would get me such street credit? :)
  • One of my co-workers proposed at the football game tonight. During half-time, all the students started sitting down and you could tell they were passing around things...weird, but whatever. Then I see one of the younger teachers I know with the microphone, and as he starts talking about how he loves his girlfriend, he goes down on one knee and the kids hold up signs saying, "Will you Marry Me?" So cute!!!! She said yes :)
  • To top it off I came home and watched this kinda dorky chick flick set in Minnesota, and it reminded me a lot of Indiana. A good and a bad thing...but it had Harry Connick, Jr. in it, and since I saw him in concert this summer, it was super fun to watch :)


Laelia Watt said...

You are so cute! I am so glad the kids saw you play! :)

Coleen Mary said...

oh my gosh. New in Town. Corey and I watched it last night :) So weird. Love you friend

Blog Archive

Friday, September 3, 2010

oh heck yes

It was a very good day :) And here's the random list o' why -
  • I found out Cristian is getting out of the hospital tomorrow - AHHHH :)
  • It rained!!! Lovely enough, but then I decided to go play in the rain, like I often do, and some students joined me - two adorable sophomore girls. Then all these students kept coming up to me being all like, "You're the coolest teacher ever!" Who knew my love of precipitation would get me such street credit? :)
  • One of my co-workers proposed at the football game tonight. During half-time, all the students started sitting down and you could tell they were passing around things...weird, but whatever. Then I see one of the younger teachers I know with the microphone, and as he starts talking about how he loves his girlfriend, he goes down on one knee and the kids hold up signs saying, "Will you Marry Me?" So cute!!!! She said yes :)
  • To top it off I came home and watched this kinda dorky chick flick set in Minnesota, and it reminded me a lot of Indiana. A good and a bad thing...but it had Harry Connick, Jr. in it, and since I saw him in concert this summer, it was super fun to watch :)


Laelia Watt said...

You are so cute! I am so glad the kids saw you play! :)

Coleen Mary said...

oh my gosh. New in Town. Corey and I watched it last night :) So weird. Love you friend