Saturday, May 21, 2011


But I also have finals coming up this week, 150 cookies to make for my seniors, and a scrapbook to put together, so I will give you a more extensive update, including pictures of the house, later this week once school is out.

But a tidbit!

I spent most of my awake hours today helping 3 students get ready for my final. It's SO fun to just laugh with them, help them see how smart they are, and help them to believe in themselves...and then there's the bonus where I get asked questions like, "If mermaids were real, what would they eat?" ??????? My expertise as the oceanography teacher fails in this capacity....

The guy in the color photo and the two girls below were my study buddies :)

1 comment:

cori said...

i want cookies! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


But I also have finals coming up this week, 150 cookies to make for my seniors, and a scrapbook to put together, so I will give you a more extensive update, including pictures of the house, later this week once school is out.

But a tidbit!

I spent most of my awake hours today helping 3 students get ready for my final. It's SO fun to just laugh with them, help them see how smart they are, and help them to believe in themselves...and then there's the bonus where I get asked questions like, "If mermaids were real, what would they eat?" ??????? My expertise as the oceanography teacher fails in this capacity....

The guy in the color photo and the two girls below were my study buddies :)

1 comment:

cori said...

i want cookies! :)