Monday, August 8, 2011

The day before school starts

I'm trying to be calm...I'm really trying.  But as with every school year starting, the lack of sleep, adjustment to getting up earlier, and general frantic-ness is quite unnerving and my entire self is feeling it.

I can't believe the kids come tomorrow.  I'm having a hard time remembering I'm a teacher, after having spent all summer chilling.  I'm much more spacey-chaotic and less excited with all my new responsibilities this year - teaching 3 classes instead of 1 (chemistry, earth science, and astronomy) and heading up a's a lot but we teachers need the money!  Especially we teacher/new homeowners...

If you could pray I would so appreciate it!  I long to be present, engaged, and just alive with the kids.  I don't have all the t's crossed AT ALL, and that can at times stop me from enjoying this beautiful life I have.   At the moment I have almost 230 students.  That's a lot of kids I get the opportunity to love on - I want to do it well...any thoughts?  Feel free to comment and let me know your prayers or advice!

Thanks all....



Megan said...

I always dreaded the first day of school, but once I made it through that first day it got better from there! And the to-do lists of teachers never seem to end, but somehow all the most important stuff gets done. God has handpicked you to be at this school with those kiddos at this time for a reason!! Trust Him - He knows what He's doing!! I hope you have a surprisingly great first day!!!

Layne Julia said...

Awwww thanks so much Megan! You're so right - God does know what He's doing, so I'll have to trust him with this too :) I really appreciate it!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The day before school starts

I'm trying to be calm...I'm really trying.  But as with every school year starting, the lack of sleep, adjustment to getting up earlier, and general frantic-ness is quite unnerving and my entire self is feeling it.

I can't believe the kids come tomorrow.  I'm having a hard time remembering I'm a teacher, after having spent all summer chilling.  I'm much more spacey-chaotic and less excited with all my new responsibilities this year - teaching 3 classes instead of 1 (chemistry, earth science, and astronomy) and heading up a's a lot but we teachers need the money!  Especially we teacher/new homeowners...

If you could pray I would so appreciate it!  I long to be present, engaged, and just alive with the kids.  I don't have all the t's crossed AT ALL, and that can at times stop me from enjoying this beautiful life I have.   At the moment I have almost 230 students.  That's a lot of kids I get the opportunity to love on - I want to do it well...any thoughts?  Feel free to comment and let me know your prayers or advice!

Thanks all....



Megan said...

I always dreaded the first day of school, but once I made it through that first day it got better from there! And the to-do lists of teachers never seem to end, but somehow all the most important stuff gets done. God has handpicked you to be at this school with those kiddos at this time for a reason!! Trust Him - He knows what He's doing!! I hope you have a surprisingly great first day!!!

Layne Julia said...

Awwww thanks so much Megan! You're so right - God does know what He's doing, so I'll have to trust him with this too :) I really appreciate it!!!