Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lunar eclipse PART 1

The last lunar eclipse (where the Moon goes through Earth's shadow in space) til 2014 was yesterday morning here in Tucson. If you're lucky enough to live in Hawaii, Alaska, or Asia, you saw the whole thing at night! Well, here we caught the Moon going into totality as it was setting, so when the Moon was fully eclipsed, the Sun had risen enough to where it looked as if the Moon became invisible because there was so too much light in the sky. To test my phone's abilities, I took some shots with it...not bad, eh?

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lunar eclipse PART 1

The last lunar eclipse (where the Moon goes through Earth's shadow in space) til 2014 was yesterday morning here in Tucson. If you're lucky enough to live in Hawaii, Alaska, or Asia, you saw the whole thing at night! Well, here we caught the Moon going into totality as it was setting, so when the Moon was fully eclipsed, the Sun had risen enough to where it looked as if the Moon became invisible because there was so too much light in the sky. To test my phone's abilities, I took some shots with it...not bad, eh?

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