Wednesday, April 11, 2012

cactus of redemption

When I went hiking on Sunday, I kept seeing cacti that were all gnarled and rotted, and the thought "that's what we would be like without Jesus" kept running through my brain. Jesus takes us, wrecked and mangled by sin, and makes into something new and beautiful. It'd be like if the cactus went from the one in this picture to a lovely, perfect one. Unfortunately that doesn't happen for the cactus, but it does with us! 

As I get older, I feel like God lets me experience the depth of my sin and ugliness to know how much it cost him to save me. Seeing this cactus on Sunday made me so grateful for the power of Christ and how much he loves I had to take a picture to emphasize the death of the ravaged cactus...

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

cactus of redemption

When I went hiking on Sunday, I kept seeing cacti that were all gnarled and rotted, and the thought "that's what we would be like without Jesus" kept running through my brain. Jesus takes us, wrecked and mangled by sin, and makes into something new and beautiful. It'd be like if the cactus went from the one in this picture to a lovely, perfect one. Unfortunately that doesn't happen for the cactus, but it does with us! 

As I get older, I feel like God lets me experience the depth of my sin and ugliness to know how much it cost him to save me. Seeing this cactus on Sunday made me so grateful for the power of Christ and how much he loves I had to take a picture to emphasize the death of the ravaged cactus...

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