Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tea-infused butter

I had made iced tea yesterday with a loose-leaf Earl Grey and lavender tea.  Soooooo goooood.  But it seems so wasteful to just throw away 1/2 cup of tea leaves!  Wouldn't that flavor be awesome in a baked good!?!  But how?!?!   I was trying to figure out a way in my head, but it seemed all possible options resulted in strange, watery baked goods. Not ok. 

I hunted and found this.   It seems the thing to do is infuse butter with tea - BRILLIANT!

So take your tea leaves...
(pay attention to ratios on website and watch for oz versus tablespoons)

Melt down your butter

Once liquid, add your tea leaves

Cook for 5 minutes on low, and then let sit for 5 minutes until tinted


Tea-infused butter! 
I put it up here on the window so you could see the color. Also, I put mine in a plastic canning "jar" designed for the freezer, just in case I don't use it all in whatever baking adventure I soon embark on.
Stay tuned for some AWESOME tea-infused baked good!

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tea-infused butter

I had made iced tea yesterday with a loose-leaf Earl Grey and lavender tea.  Soooooo goooood.  But it seems so wasteful to just throw away 1/2 cup of tea leaves!  Wouldn't that flavor be awesome in a baked good!?!  But how?!?!   I was trying to figure out a way in my head, but it seemed all possible options resulted in strange, watery baked goods. Not ok. 

I hunted and found this.   It seems the thing to do is infuse butter with tea - BRILLIANT!

So take your tea leaves...
(pay attention to ratios on website and watch for oz versus tablespoons)

Melt down your butter

Once liquid, add your tea leaves

Cook for 5 minutes on low, and then let sit for 5 minutes until tinted


Tea-infused butter! 
I put it up here on the window so you could see the color. Also, I put mine in a plastic canning "jar" designed for the freezer, just in case I don't use it all in whatever baking adventure I soon embark on.
Stay tuned for some AWESOME tea-infused baked good!

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