Sunday, February 21, 2010

lemon abbey

Laelia and I are starting to play at the Village, and so needed to come up with a band name. We went to the Auld Dubliner to check out their open mic night, sat for a while eating tater tots and me drinking beer, and tried very hard to come up with a name. After a while Laelia got the idea to look at the words around us, and after maybe an hour of going through ideas and suggestions we came up with the name Lemon Abbey. We decided we like the way it sounds with the "m" and the "bb". We both like both words phonetically, and then idea that a lemon is something tart and an abbey is something serene and spiritual, which we thought matched both of our personalities. Plus, the first two letters "L" and "A" are what both of our names start with - victory!


Kelsea Nicole said...

Layne and Laelia's Lemon Abbey... sounds good! Excited to hear you play!

Susan Cepin said...

That's adorable. And I like the font.

Layne Julia said...

thanks Kelsea and Sue :)

Blog Archive

Sunday, February 21, 2010

lemon abbey

Laelia and I are starting to play at the Village, and so needed to come up with a band name. We went to the Auld Dubliner to check out their open mic night, sat for a while eating tater tots and me drinking beer, and tried very hard to come up with a name. After a while Laelia got the idea to look at the words around us, and after maybe an hour of going through ideas and suggestions we came up with the name Lemon Abbey. We decided we like the way it sounds with the "m" and the "bb". We both like both words phonetically, and then idea that a lemon is something tart and an abbey is something serene and spiritual, which we thought matched both of our personalities. Plus, the first two letters "L" and "A" are what both of our names start with - victory!


Kelsea Nicole said...

Layne and Laelia's Lemon Abbey... sounds good! Excited to hear you play!

Susan Cepin said...

That's adorable. And I like the font.

Layne Julia said...

thanks Kelsea and Sue :)