Thursday, August 26, 2010

winter deluge

this picture [by protten] is beautiful and perfectly describes the past week.

an amazing little boy - Zac Clark - passed away a week ago. He was one of Coleen's kids that she worked with. She was practically a part of their family...

So Coleen flew in for the funeral, which last Tuesday and Wednesday, and I took her to the airport this morning.

It was good to go with her - as good as it can be to go to the funeral of a 5-year old watch his family weep...and to sit there and weep with them.

But it was super good to hang out with her, and then to continue the sadness, it was super hard to drop her off at the airport. But my co-workers were great when I came in crying this morning :)

Besides that, I spent 4 hours at Cafe Passe grading and journaling, and I'm so grateful because it was so rich. Then God kept up the goodness and gave us tons of rain and a lovely cloudy, cool day. I went for a bike ride around the Rillito and am now grading...

...pray for hope...

1 comment:

cori said...

glad you could be there with coleen. love and miss you.

Blog Archive

Thursday, August 26, 2010

winter deluge

this picture [by protten] is beautiful and perfectly describes the past week.

an amazing little boy - Zac Clark - passed away a week ago. He was one of Coleen's kids that she worked with. She was practically a part of their family...

So Coleen flew in for the funeral, which last Tuesday and Wednesday, and I took her to the airport this morning.

It was good to go with her - as good as it can be to go to the funeral of a 5-year old watch his family weep...and to sit there and weep with them.

But it was super good to hang out with her, and then to continue the sadness, it was super hard to drop her off at the airport. But my co-workers were great when I came in crying this morning :)

Besides that, I spent 4 hours at Cafe Passe grading and journaling, and I'm so grateful because it was so rich. Then God kept up the goodness and gave us tons of rain and a lovely cloudy, cool day. I went for a bike ride around the Rillito and am now grading...

...pray for hope...

1 comment:

cori said...

glad you could be there with coleen. love and miss you.