Saturday, July 9, 2011

Housewarming Party

A history according to Wikipedia:
"The term, housewarming is descended literally from the act of warming a new house, in the days before central heating. Each guest would bring firewood, and build fires in all the available fireplaces, offering firewood as a gift. The reason being - aside from warming the house, was that it would repel evil spirits by creating a protective atmosphere of warmth. Uninhabited houses were considered targets for vagrant spirits, and therefore required a certain level of cleansing before a house was safe to be occupied by young children."

I find this FASCINATING. Well the firewood thing is cool background and makes sense, but it always intrigues me how even just 100 years ago there was a spiritual aspect to pretty much everything. We keep trying to get away from that now-a-days, but it's there. But since we already prayed over the house, now all's we need is the people...and you don't need to bring firewood. :)

So if you actually know me, and somehow didn't receive an invite to the party, call for directions and COME ON OVER!

So below is not my invitation, but I found it online and thought it was cool :)

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Blog Archive

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Housewarming Party

A history according to Wikipedia:
"The term, housewarming is descended literally from the act of warming a new house, in the days before central heating. Each guest would bring firewood, and build fires in all the available fireplaces, offering firewood as a gift. The reason being - aside from warming the house, was that it would repel evil spirits by creating a protective atmosphere of warmth. Uninhabited houses were considered targets for vagrant spirits, and therefore required a certain level of cleansing before a house was safe to be occupied by young children."

I find this FASCINATING. Well the firewood thing is cool background and makes sense, but it always intrigues me how even just 100 years ago there was a spiritual aspect to pretty much everything. We keep trying to get away from that now-a-days, but it's there. But since we already prayed over the house, now all's we need is the people...and you don't need to bring firewood. :)

So if you actually know me, and somehow didn't receive an invite to the party, call for directions and COME ON OVER!

So below is not my invitation, but I found it online and thought it was cool :)

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