Saturday, February 12, 2011

ahhh bluegrass

cool video by 2 of my favorite mandolin players


Susan Cepin said...

Wow - I've never seen a mandolin played that way. Crazy stuff! I guess I'm out of the loop on blue grass mandolin music. Fun!

Layne Julia said...

Ya Chris Thile's pretty dang phenomenal as far as playing goes...that's an old song though. Not sure who it's originally by with a boom-chuck-chuck rhythm which you'll hear in slow bluegrass-westerny songs :) very fun!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

ahhh bluegrass

cool video by 2 of my favorite mandolin players


Susan Cepin said...

Wow - I've never seen a mandolin played that way. Crazy stuff! I guess I'm out of the loop on blue grass mandolin music. Fun!

Layne Julia said...

Ya Chris Thile's pretty dang phenomenal as far as playing goes...that's an old song though. Not sure who it's originally by with a boom-chuck-chuck rhythm which you'll hear in slow bluegrass-westerny songs :) very fun!