Wednesday, February 9, 2011

home sick for 2 days

yes, looooooooooooooooooots of movies and the like.

in my surfing, i found this video by which was very intriguing to me. People in my geology classes always asked me how I could believe in God and also have my major. They could never understand how it was possible for me to blend science and God in my head. Watching this video reminds me that I got into what I do because of God - the natural world and the spiritual are so very my professional opinion.

Having always been drawn to science and God, i've long enjoyed Carl Sagan's musings. the video has his voice dubbed over some cool images. put the video on 720HD to make it look cooler.


Unknown said...

Best Carl quote ever, "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

Layne Julia said...

i know right???

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

home sick for 2 days

yes, looooooooooooooooooots of movies and the like.

in my surfing, i found this video by which was very intriguing to me. People in my geology classes always asked me how I could believe in God and also have my major. They could never understand how it was possible for me to blend science and God in my head. Watching this video reminds me that I got into what I do because of God - the natural world and the spiritual are so very my professional opinion.

Having always been drawn to science and God, i've long enjoyed Carl Sagan's musings. the video has his voice dubbed over some cool images. put the video on 720HD to make it look cooler.


Unknown said...

Best Carl quote ever, "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

Layne Julia said...

i know right???