Sunday, February 20, 2011

blustery day

I have been thinking quite often how ironic and humorous it is that God has led me here to the desert, as I sooooooooooooo deeply enjoy cold and precipitation. But maybe I love it so much because I don't see it very much? And maybe I would not love it as much if I didn't live in Tucson? hmmmmmm....

At any rate, I stepped out the door this morning to go get coffee, and had to come back inside to tell my roommate that it felt like the southern coast of Maine outside. I was there this past summer, and the weather today immediately made me miss being there. Humid, but chilly, with the different tones of gray filling the clouds.

So here are some shots of that area entrenched in fog. The fog would roll in every afternoon around 2 or 3, and then get carried back out to sea a few hours later. It was a lovely experience to live in...

We camped in the woods, just off the coast, and this was very much the scene.

I actually stood on this beach when I was there. Near Portland Head Light.

lovely in sepia

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

blustery day

I have been thinking quite often how ironic and humorous it is that God has led me here to the desert, as I sooooooooooooo deeply enjoy cold and precipitation. But maybe I love it so much because I don't see it very much? And maybe I would not love it as much if I didn't live in Tucson? hmmmmmm....

At any rate, I stepped out the door this morning to go get coffee, and had to come back inside to tell my roommate that it felt like the southern coast of Maine outside. I was there this past summer, and the weather today immediately made me miss being there. Humid, but chilly, with the different tones of gray filling the clouds.

So here are some shots of that area entrenched in fog. The fog would roll in every afternoon around 2 or 3, and then get carried back out to sea a few hours later. It was a lovely experience to live in...

We camped in the woods, just off the coast, and this was very much the scene.

I actually stood on this beach when I was there. Near Portland Head Light.

lovely in sepia

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