Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i want to stay in one of those quaint cottages next to the sea...

January 5th - the anniversary of Tim and Christine's wedding and a VERY stressful day at work. The 2nd day back was almost just as hard as the 1st...

I took my walk around the neighborhood again because I had to make 3 stops on the way home, and it was already 5:30 and I was SO tired. I wore a dress to school today, so I just threw on my Chacos and went. I was walking with my headphones in and near the end of my walk, I realized that a car was pulling up next to me. A guy was concerned and offering me a ride. Never have I had that happen...but it was hard to tell if he was concerned or being kinda creepy. Seemed like a blend of both, but I guess nice nonetheless.

I practiced on my Navajo flute for around a half hour today. It was fun playing it - I hadn't seriously in a while.


jkswartz said...

way to go nice/creepy stranger man offering Layne a ride? anyway, hang in there teacher Layne. You're making a difference. Love you! Two thumbs up for the walking.

Layne Julia said...

:) Awww!!! HIIII!!!! Thanks friend...I really appreciate the encouragement.

Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i want to stay in one of those quaint cottages next to the sea...

January 5th - the anniversary of Tim and Christine's wedding and a VERY stressful day at work. The 2nd day back was almost just as hard as the 1st...

I took my walk around the neighborhood again because I had to make 3 stops on the way home, and it was already 5:30 and I was SO tired. I wore a dress to school today, so I just threw on my Chacos and went. I was walking with my headphones in and near the end of my walk, I realized that a car was pulling up next to me. A guy was concerned and offering me a ride. Never have I had that happen...but it was hard to tell if he was concerned or being kinda creepy. Seemed like a blend of both, but I guess nice nonetheless.

I practiced on my Navajo flute for around a half hour today. It was fun playing it - I hadn't seriously in a while.


jkswartz said...

way to go nice/creepy stranger man offering Layne a ride? anyway, hang in there teacher Layne. You're making a difference. Love you! Two thumbs up for the walking.

Layne Julia said...

:) Awww!!! HIIII!!!! Thanks friend...I really appreciate the encouragement.