Saturday, August 18, 2012

what's in a name?

"Anyway, the biggest part of the whirlwind is that on Monday we'll be welcoming two new sheep into our lives. Today while painting I reflected a lot on our journey into caring for sheep. Neither of us set out to become "shepherds." We literally saw the alpacas on craislist and thought, "SWEET! Long-haired-magical-dinosaur-unicorns for $100 each? OK." And shortly after, "a mini sheep that grows no taller than 24? YES PLEASE." We actually renamed Bill Murray when we got him. Part of the excitement was walking home at night in the snow from work and dreaming about what to name our new Babydoll lamb. We talked for hours about it. His name used to be Boots, but Bill is more fitting now because we pushed our personalities on him. Isn't that funny how naming an animal suddenly changes how you perceive it?"

I just thought that was HILARIOUS and had to re-post it for more of the world to read.

And a friend was preaching at church and talked about how a name so defines you, and I think that's such a fascinating idea.  It so defines us that that was our first task as humans.  God told Adam to name things - to give them an identity and purpose.

Any thoughts?  I'd love to hear them!

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

what's in a name?

"Anyway, the biggest part of the whirlwind is that on Monday we'll be welcoming two new sheep into our lives. Today while painting I reflected a lot on our journey into caring for sheep. Neither of us set out to become "shepherds." We literally saw the alpacas on craislist and thought, "SWEET! Long-haired-magical-dinosaur-unicorns for $100 each? OK." And shortly after, "a mini sheep that grows no taller than 24? YES PLEASE." We actually renamed Bill Murray when we got him. Part of the excitement was walking home at night in the snow from work and dreaming about what to name our new Babydoll lamb. We talked for hours about it. His name used to be Boots, but Bill is more fitting now because we pushed our personalities on him. Isn't that funny how naming an animal suddenly changes how you perceive it?"

I just thought that was HILARIOUS and had to re-post it for more of the world to read.

And a friend was preaching at church and talked about how a name so defines you, and I think that's such a fascinating idea.  It so defines us that that was our first task as humans.  God told Adam to name things - to give them an identity and purpose.

Any thoughts?  I'd love to hear them!

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